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Advantages of aluminum foil paper

Published:2020-06-03 13:56:16Click to rate:

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The performance advantage of carbon foil/copper foil
1. Significantly improve the consistency of the battery pack and greatly reduce the cost of the battery pack. Such as:
· significantly reduce the dynamic internal resistance growth of the core-core;
· improve the pressure difference of the battery pack;
· extended battery life;
· significantly reduce the cost of the battery pack.
2. Improve the adhesion of the active materials and the collected fluids, and reduce the production cost of the poles. Such as:
· improve the adhesion of the positive electrode materials and the collector of the water-based system;
· improve the adhesion of the anode materials and collector with nano-scale or sub-micron scale;
· improved adhesion of lithium titanate or other high-capacity negative materials and collector;
· increase the qualified rate of the electrode plate and reduce the cost of the electrode production.
A test chart of the adhesion force of the battery plate of carbon foil and optical foil
The adhesion force of the adhesive force was raised to 60gf (using 3M adhesive tape or a one-piece knife method) with carbon foil, and the adhesive force was improved significantly.
3. Reduce polarization, improve multiplier and gram capacity, and improve battery performance.
· if the proportion of adhesives in the active materials is reduced, the capacity of grams is raised;
· improve the electrical contact between the active substance and the set fluid;
· reduce polarization and improve power performance.
The battery multiplier performance of different aluminum foil
C-AL is coated with carbon foil, e-al is etched aluminum foil, u-al is aluminum foil
4. Protect the set fluid and prolong battery life. Such as:
· prevention of extreme corrosion and oxidation of the collector;
· improve the surface tension of the collector and enhance the easy coating performance of the collector.
· high alternative cost of etching or replacing the original standard foil with thinner foil.
Cell cycle curve of different aluminum foil (200 weeks)
Where (1) is aluminum foil, (2) for etching aluminum foil, (3) for carbon foil

上一篇:Use of aluminum foil


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