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Main use of coated paper

Published:2020-06-03 13:56:33Click to rate:

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Fabric coated paper is pressed with an old blanket, it besides paper formation, high whiteness, also make printed graphics, images have stereo feeling, and thus the glossy paper can be widely used to print posters, advertising, landscape, elegant calendar, photographing figure, etc.
Copper plate paper is one of the main paper used in printing works. The paper is commonly known as the official name, which should be printed coating paper, which is widely used in real life. You see a beautiful calendar, bookstore sales of posters, book cover, illustrations, art books, brochures, and so on, are almost always use glossy paper, all kinds of exquisite decoration of packaging, paper handbag, stickers, logo, etc. Also a lot of use to the coated paper. The coated paper is made from coated and decorative finishing paper. The surface is smooth and detailed. There are two sides of the coated paper. The paper has the light and light (sublight) of the paper. The commonly used coated paper is divided into various thickness specifications from 105 grams per square meter to 350 grams per square meter. Coated sheet paper size in sales generally divided into magnanimous (889 mm * 1194 mm), medium (787 mm * 1092 mm) in two dimensions, coated paper price about 7000 yuan to 7500 yuan per ton, a generous 200 grams of 889 mm x 889 mm size of the bond price is about $2.

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